Senior Associate Consultant – Strategy Development & Innovation + Start up Mentoring – Master Black Belt Lean Six Sigma – IASSC Certified
Cyril has been developing his expertise for 23 years through operational positions in Industrial, Quality, and R&D departments, particularly in the automotive sector. Trained in Japan at Juse, he became an expert in TQM and Jikotei Kanketsu by collaborating on several projects with the TOYOTA teams. Certified MBB LSS since 2002, a consultant for more than 10 years and a former employee of Accenture, he manages transformation plans for organizations and teams in various sectors of the Service industry.
He has been at Progress Partners for 12 years, and is passionate about supporting people in organizations. He is responsible for the development of Innovation, Digital, & Service offerings. Accredited as an IASSC trainer, his trainer and coach abilities have enabled him to certify to date more than 130 LSS Black Belts and 350 Green and Yellow Belts as well as Master Black Belts.